Sedation Dentistry in Marysville

If you feel uneasy about your dental visit and are looking for a safe alternative you’ve come to the right place.

At Dentistry @ Marysville your teeth can be fixed, sore gums restored, and your smile brightened without discomfort while you will sleep through your appointment. Have years of dental treatment in just one appointment. No more hiding your smile behind your hand or putting up with pain.

One of the most common reasons why many people avoid going to the dentist is due to feeling anxious or scared of certain procedures. It’s the reason why our dentists and team offer a safe alternative for everyone—dentistry under sedation.

At Dentistry at Marysville, sedation is available to help those who experience a fear of the dentist. With sedation dentistry Marysville, you can receive the dental care you need while being in a comfortable and relaxed state. Procedures such as implants, root canals, extraction, dental restorations, and surgery can be performed in a safe and pain-free experience!

How Sedation Dentistry Can Help

Fear of the Dentist

According to studies, more than 75% of adults are suffering from some level of dental anxiety. About 5-10% have dental phobia which is a more serious condition that can cause intense fear and panic. For this reason, many people tend to avoid dental care which can compound the issue and lead to more serious dental health problems.

With sedation dentistry Marysville, it becomes possible for those with dental anxiety to finally receive the care they need without feeling anxious or scared.

Gag Reflex

Some people experience a strong gag reflex which is the act of gagging or choking when the back of the throat is touched. It’s a common issue, but it may hinder certain types of treatments such as deep cleaning and full mouth x-rays. With sedation dentistry, the gag reflex can be minimized which allows for the successful completion of procedures.
Low Pain Tolerance

Not all people are able to handle the pain and discomfort that comes with certain dental treatments. With various types of sedation dentistry now available, it’s possible to receive dental care with minimal pain and discomfort. They are designed to make your visit much more pleasant.

Complex Dental Procedures

If you require more complex dental procedures such as multiple extractions or dental implant procedures, sedation dentistry may actually be necessary. We recommend it for those who are undergoing more lengthy and invasive treatments because sedation can ease any physical discomfort and mental stress.

Young Patients

Pediatric dental patients may be experiencing fear of the dentist as well, especially if it’s their first time. Some of them may also have a hard time sitting still during certain treatments. Sedation dentistry is available to ensure that young ones receive the necessary dental care in a safe and comfortable way.

Special Needs Patients

For those with special needs, sedation dentistry is an ideal solution to ensure that they get the dental care they need. Special sedatives and sedation techniques are used to make sure that special needs patients feel calm and relaxed during their dental visit.

Types of Sedation Dentistry

At Dentistry at Marysville, there are various sedation dentistry options available. These include nitrous oxide sedation, oral sedation, and IV sedation. We recommend the best technique depending on your specific needs and treatment.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas sedation is a mild conscious sedative and pain reliever that helps you relax during dental treatment. It’s administered through inhalation, and its effects take place almost immediately to help you relax and be comfortable.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is a type of sedative taken in pill form before the dental appointment. It helps you relax for several hours after the sedative has been administered. Oral sedation is ideal for those who have moderate to severe anxiety, or if you require multiple treatments during one visit.

IV Sedation

IV sedation is a type of sedative administered through an intravenous line directly into the bloodstream. It is the most potent sedative option and provides the deepest sedation. It’s recommended for those who need to undergo lengthy or complex treatments.

FAQs About Sedation Dentistry

Am I a candidate for sedation?

If you are experiencing dental anxiety or have a hard time sitting still during treatments, sedation dentistry may be an ideal option for you. As mentioned earlier, it’s also commonly recommended for kids and special needs patients. You don’t need any special qualifications to be able to take sedatives. However, it’s important to disclose your medical history and any medications you are taking.

Will I be unconscious during the procedure?

It depends on the sedation option you choose. With IV sedation, you may be in a semi-conscious state which is sometimes called twilight sedation. With oral sedation, you may be unaware of the procedure but will still be able to respond when spoken to. Nitrous oxide, on the other hand, will just make you feel relaxed and sedated.

How long does it take me to recover from sedation?

The sedative effect will wear off after a few hours, but you may feel drowsy for the rest of the day. It’s best to rest at home and make sure you have someone to drive you back if necessary.

Is it safe?

Sedation dentistry in Marysville is a safe and effective way to make your dental visit much more comfortable. All sedation techniques used at our clinic are well-regulated and monitored to ensure the best outcome. Side effects are also very rare and minimal with sedation dentistry.

Consult our Trusted Dentists

Discover how sedation dentistry Marysville can help you receive the necessary dental care in a safe and comfortable way. Upon consultation, our trusted dentists at Dentistry at Marysville will discuss sedation options and determine the best one for your needs. Contact us today to book an appointment!

Dentistry at Marysville is a convenient and family friendly dentist office. We provide complete exams, cleanings, fillings, tooth extractions, emergency care, teeth whitening, and local cosmetic dentistry services.

New Patient Specials

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$149 New Patient Special Plus $100 Off Your Second Visit*

**New patients only. A $369 value. Cannot be combined with other offers or insurance.

10% Off Same Day Dental Services*

**New patients only. Cannot be combined with other offers or insurance.

$100 Off When We Treat Two Family Members on the Same Day

**Cannot be combined with other offers or insurance.

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Patients choose Dentistry @ Marysville for our convenient scheduling, affordable pricing, outstanding service, and incredible results. Experience the difference today!